Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Some other feelings...

I just LOVE adrenaline, don’t you? There’s nothing better than feeling a lump on your throat. I personally think that a lot of feelings feel the same (I know, redundancy) and we are confused by this, so we think it’s different when it really isn’t. Let me give you an interactive example. Imagine yourself having this knot on your stomach, trying to contain a scream and feeling eager, keeping all this strength and almost shacking. Think about this question now… with this feelings I gave you, do you think you are nervous or extremely happy or totally distressed?

It could be any of these, that’s the point. You feel exactly the same when you’re going through this situations. And this takes me to a million dollar question: how do you know how you’re feeling if every feeling feels the same? I know, feel feelings felt feeling feels. I apologize for this, I find this word and it’s meaning so… vast.

Going back to the adrenaline thing, that I don’t really know how I related this with the other, but whatever. I just think that what most people describes as “nervous” feels good. You are probably one of those people, but let me explain myself. I think that when you are nervous, adrenaline runs through your veins. You feel eager, like you are about to explode. Most of you would try to avoid this, to calm yourselfs and stop feeling like this. This is not what I do; I just try to enjoy it, to get the best out of it. This is mostly because I’m terribly shy and I feel nervous most of the time, so I learnt to take advantage of this. It’s like when people say that you “work better under pressure”. It is so right, we really do. Well, not all of us I guess.

I think this takes me to a subject I’ve been wanting to get to… positivie attitude. I don’t want to get too much into it because I know that a lot of people will disagree with me here, I guess I always take it too far. This is probably because I think it is a philosophy to live by. Everything is so much easier when you look from the right side of it, search for the good consequences and when you see the glass half full. If you tried just for one day to smile at everything, to take things easy, get over things that annoy you and not to worry about anything, I think you might get my point.

I’m done for the day, but my last petition is for Positive Thinkers to make a cult and take over the world.