Going back to the adrenaline thing, that I don’t really know how I related this with the other, but whatever. I just think that what most people describes as “nervous” feels good. You are probably one of those people, but let me explain myself. I think that when you are nervous, adrenaline runs through your veins. You feel eager, like you are about to explode. Most of you would try to avoid this, to calm yourselfs and stop feeling like this. This is not what I do; I just try to enjoy it, to get the best out of it. This is mostly because I’m terribly shy and I feel nervous most of the time, so I learnt to take advantage of this. It’s like when people say that you “work better under pressure”. It is so right, we really do. Well, not all of us I guess.
I think this takes me to a subject I’ve been wanting to get to… positivie attitude. I don’t want to get too much into it because I know that a lot of people will disagree with me here, I guess I always take it too far. This is probably because I think it is a philosophy to live by. Everything is so much easier when you look from the right side of it, search for the good consequences and when you see the glass half full. If you tried just for one day to smile at everything, to take things easy, get over things that annoy you and not to worry about anything, I think you might get my point.
I’m done for the day, but my last petition is for Positive Thinkers to make a cult and take over the world.
Wow Sophie u leave me thinking like crazy. I really gotta analize this to leave you a good comment, but we just finished chatting on the msn so Im going to sleep. You are unique. See ya
Los sintomas de cada sentimiento pueden ser iguales pero a la vez son distintos. Un ejemplo que se me ocurre... a ver...mmm.... imaginemos q nos da miedo una situacion y la misma provoca q se nos forme un nudo en el estomago; y por otro lado caminando por la habitacion de tu novia/o encontras una carta de amor de otra persona hacia tu pareja y... nuevamente se nos hace un nudo en el estomago. Los sintomas son los mismos... pero los sentimos de manera totalmente distinta porque nuestro cerebro los pone en un contexto y en una realidad totalmente diferente.
Entonces.. resumiendo... a pesar de que es lo mismo... es distinto ^_^
No se si me explico Sofy.. pero queria q sepas q lei.. y apesar de que ese no era el tema central... fue lo que mas me llego.
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