I really really want to know what I want. It's driving me fucking crazy. There HAS to be a way. I've said it before, but I think the easiest solution is a psychologist. Or maybe I wanna start writing another story. I'm kind of thinking about it, I don't really think I have what it takes, but it might keep me busy. It'll suck, that's for sure. But... who cares? It's just for my own good sake. And it won't be for long, since I'm starting school in a couple of weeks and I won't have any time for it. School... that sounds so boring. I don't really know if I wanna go. But, again, I don't know shit about what I want. Today I want to, tomorrow I won't. I'm so impulsive it's disgusting. What am I gonna do about it? I can't help it. And yet, when somebody else wants me to be impulsive, I'm so not. I'm only impulsive with such stupid things. And at the same time, I'm SO lazy. I hate it, but there's no way around it. I'm the laziest person I have EVER met. I admit it, I don't care. Well, I actually DO care, but I can't change it. Know what?... I don't really think I'm on the right path. And I know "it's never too late". But I'm SO lazy I don't think I have enough strength to change directions. Cause it's really not as easy as it sounds. I would have to change not one thing, but EVERYTHING. And everything is just so much...